Tammo Hilgerloh

Tammo Hilgerloh

Head of Supply Chain Digitalisation
Schaeffler Technologies

Tammo Hilgerloh is responsible for the strategic direction of digitalisation and data for global tier-1 supplier Schaeffler Technologies’ corporate supply chain management, including the digital transportation of logistics operations. In this role, which he has held since April 2023, he manages the company’s IT product portfolio and architecture for transport logistics, including identifying business processes that can be digitalised, driving data-driven solutions and innovations. Tammo Hilgerloh has been with Schaeffler since April 2012 in a variety of production and logistics planning roles for international projects, including in China, North America and Europe. Prior to his current role, he led supply chain network and design, with responsibility for development digital solutions for end-to-end supply chain design, including for footprint optimisation, emissions reduction and inventory optimisation. Hilgerloh has a degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on production and logistics from Leibniz University in Hanover.